Thursday, July 30, 2009

Weekend Activities in the City

Thursday, July 30 = A Midsummer Night's Obliterati
Most of you got the Facebook invite, but for those who didn't see it or deleted it or thought you had something better to do, swing by Sweet & Vicious from 6PM on...

Friday, July 31 = Allison Weiss + Food + darklooming at The Gutter
Allison Weiss is this darling little singer that you all must check out. She goes on at 7 at The Living Room. It's early, so if you can't make it, look her up on the Internets. Or do something even better than that and throw her some cash to help her make a new EP. Have you heard of KickStarter? Well basically it enables artists to raise money to fund their projects. Faris wrote a great post about it today. Check it out and watch Allison's entire video. Watch all four minutes of it. It's worth it.

Anyway, post Allison there will be food and then probably heading to The Gutter around 11ish for more music and good times.

Saturday, August 1 = Bike Ride to Location TBD
I'm thinking of getting some folks together for a bike ride and maybe a picnic. I've obviously not given this a whole lot of thought but if you're interested in biking from 11 - 2ish on Saturday, shoot an email to and I'll follow up with some details.

You know how much I love The Frying Pan
So if it's nice on Sunday afternoon, that's where you'll find me from probably 2:00 until it rains. Let me know if you're interested in coming along.

Tuesday, August 4 from 8:30 - 10:30 = SWEET! I'm finally going to see Seth's show
Most of you know Seth. For those of you who don't, you should. He's great. And hilarious. And has his own wikipedia page. I think it may be his last show of the summer. And it will be my first time making it to his show in NYC. I'm excited. Anyway, the show is at The Slipper Room with cocktails beforehand at that little bar we all love, Tom & Jerry's.

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